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"What I liked best about today was . . . "

“leading the horse. It was fun. I was sad because I was leaving the horse, but I got happy.” Alison, 8, Watts-Willowbrook BGC 

"I loved learning that it was ok to be afraid at first, but always try it. At first I was very afraid to even touch the horse, but I conquered my fears and did it."Rena, 11, said she "showed a pony who the boss was."

Jennifer, 11, IHAD LA Watts

"that I conquered my fear that I can't be around a horse, but I tamed the beast." Marcial, 11, IHAD LA Watts


"that you let us feel like we were at home. Also, because you didn't do everything for us like a baby. You showed us how to do it, and after you let us to it. You taught us how to tell yourself you can do it." Jaylen, 11, IHAD LA Watts 

"getting to meet Luke. The best experience is that I got to see Dusty again.”

Louis, 15, Dream Center Academy 

“I got to feed and pet them. I also liked it when I got to brush the horse’s mane. It was the best day of my life.” Tanay, 16, Dream Center Academy 

“Today was really fun. It reminded me of when I use to jump horses. I used to have a horse named Scruppy and as we were grooming Luke and feeding him, I couldn’t help but think of Scruppy. I really loved the environment of the whole experience.” Marline, 17, Dream Center Academy 

“Thank you for allowing the Dream Center Academy the opportunity to participate in this fun activity. Many of these kids wouldn’t normally get a chance to experience nature in this way. Bringing city kids back into nature truly changes their perceptive of life. The communities and neighborhoods that many of these children are from do not allow for them to branch out and experience a lot of fun activities. Their parents spend hours working to provide for their children, but activities like this are privileges. Thank you for allowing them to expand their horizons.”

Ms. Helen, Counselor, Dream Center 


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